Nature’s 8 Laws Of Radiant Health

The fundamentals of optimal health are often overlooked despite being essential. With an abundance of information available today addressing health and wellness it is very easy to become extremely overwhelmed. I have been there myself. It can also be terribly confusing when there is so much conflicting scientific evidence on how to heal your body and what to eat. My advice is to always come back to addressing nature’s 8 laws of health. If you are adhering to all 8 I have no doubt in my mind that you will heal and your body will find perfect balance again.

#1 Fresh & Clean Air

Spend as much time outside as possible in nature. Spend time near the ocean or in the forest where the air quality is optimal. Address the air quality in your home. Test for toxic mould in your home and/or work using a HERTSMI or ERMI and stop using chemical cleaners and air fresheners. Be aware of toxic chemicals used in the production of furniture, beds, linen, clothes, carpets and paint. Make sure you dust your home with a wet micro fibre cloth as dust can flare allergies because of other toxic substances found in the air and leave your shoes outside. Invest in a air filter if you live in an area that has poor air quality.

#2 Pure, Clean & Alive Water

Source pure water. There is much debate on the best water to drink. At the bare minimum opt for filtered tap water which you can remineralise with Concentrace drops. Spring water is the best option but make sure it is filtered as there can be pathogens present. Distilled and reverse osmosis water are other options but again you do want to make sure you remineralise the water after it has been stripped of essential minerals with a mineral supplement. It is also equally important to bathe and shower in filtered water. Tap water typically contains chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, parasites and bacteria. Some of these substances are absorbed through your skin and chlorine is dispersed into the air during a hot shower where it can be breathed into the lungs. You can find filters for your shower head and bath online very easily.

#3 Sunshine & Earthing

Aim to get sun exposure in the morning between 6 – 10 am every day to stimulate the body to wake up and maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. Get your bare feet directly on the earth daily. It is important to get sun on the skin and into the eyes. Not directly into the eyes unless you are sun gazing right on sunrise or sunset but be outside without sunglasses for 20 minutes. To take your health to the next level consider blocking blue light emitted from televisions, computers, phones and lights at night for optimal health and to reset your circadian rhythm. Blue light disrupts hormones and prevents the release of melatonin required for a healthy nights sleep and brain detoxification.

#4 Adequate rest

This law has to be one of the hardest to follow in this fast paced modern world. On top of the normal stressors so many experience on a day to day basis we now have technology which puts many of us in a constant fight or flight state. We are contactable 24/7, we are bombarded with information and confronting news through the media and we are constantly exposed to invisible, carcinogenic electromagnetic frequencies. Make sure you are sleeping well and going to bed at a decent hour. Take time out to meditate, have a guilt free nap, try alternate nose breathing, square breathing, spend time in nature and put your bare feet on the earth.

Are you getting these four types of rest –

Physical Rest – Sitting, lying down, or relaxing. Not eating late at night or before bed.

Sensory Rest – Quietness and refraining from using the eyes.

Emotional Rest – A withdrawing from the ups and downs caused by personal interaction.

Mental Rest – A detaching of the mind from all intellectual demands or activity

#5 Nutrition

Eat organic, wild, whole foods when possible. Eat intuitively but depending on your health status be open to adhering to a therapeutic diet plan for a certain amount of time to accelerate healing, remove bioaccumulated toxic compounds and eradicate pathogens. Nourish your body with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, fibre and living water from organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, pseudo grains and animal foods. See animal foods as supplementary to plant foods and only consume high quality and organic animal foods. The healthiest and longest living people in the world eat mostly plant foods supplemented with animal foods. Unfortunately the majority of animal foods available are not safe to eat because of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, plastics, mercury, bacteria and parasites. Focus on quality, nutrient density and healing foods.

#6 Temperance

This is more than just abstaining from alcohol. This is about finding your balance and avoiding things that exacerbate your health issues. Typically this means avoiding alcohol, drugs, negative people, unhealthy foods, overeating, emotional eating, chemicals in body care, make up and cleaning products. Avoid anything that is harmful to your body. Listen to your intuition and the signals your body is giving you.

#7 Movement

Use movement as medicine, not as punishment. Move in some way, every day. That is my exercise motto. Our bodies require movement to thrive. For some this might be gentle yoga and walking. For others it may be running, weights, pilates and dancing. Do what works for you and listen to your body. Ideally move in nature with your bare feet on the ground daily.

#8 Trust, Connection & Community

Have trust and faith you will heal and live a life that you love. Although there will be times when it all feels too hard and you will question whether you are on the right path, let this be a reminder that you are, and the universe has a grand plan for you that is unfolding just as it should. You are exactly where you need to be. No matter what your beliefs are, do not be afraid to pray and give gratitude. I will also add that addressing the physical is only one part of the healing process and living a life of health and happiness, do not underestimate the power of connection and community.

No matter where you are on your health journey rest assured that you are healing. Your body is constantly striving for homeostasis. Sometimes we just have to get out of the way, remove obstructions, release what does not serve us and allow ourselves to heal. If you feel like you have lost your way, refer back to nature’s 8 laws and remind yourself of the essentials steps to achieving vibrant health and well-being.

With love, Amy

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