How To Heal From ME/CFS, Lyme And Other Chronic Illnesses.

adventure-blonde-hair-cliffside-681794Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is an extremely  severe and complex illness that causes symptoms related to the dysfunction of the brain, gastro-intestinal system, immune system, endocrine and cardiac systems.

After 10 years of personal experience actively healing from ME/CFS (it took me 5 years to get a diagnosis prior to beginning my healing journey) and comprehensive research I wanted to share how I believe you can treat it successfully. This is only a summary. There are no magic cures listed here or short cuts. You need to put in the work and address every single step listed if you want to heal from severe ME/CFS.

Every step is extremely important. Please carefully read and think over every point made.

PLEASE use this post as a checklist for you to tick off what you have investigated to get to the root cause of your health issues. Leave no stone unturned on this journey to health.

If you are unable to read ask a family member or your carer.


We are born into this world already carrying generational toxins passed on from our mother, and her mother and so on. Then we are exposed to new toxins every single day of our lives. Your health status not only depends on what toxins you are exposed to in your lifetime but also what was passed on during your time in utero. As toxicity increases and your system is depleted your body becomes extremely susceptible to infection. And because of the severe immune suppression from various toxins and heavy metals including but not limited to mercury, aluminium and lead these infections become chronic and take advantage of a weak host sadly. Over time there are layers upon layers of infections that continue to weaken the host.


This is what you need to address to heal ME/CFS, LYME AND OTHER CHRONIC ILLNESSES –



Test your home for mould using an ERMI or HERTSMI test. Think back to everywhere you have lived in your life, the schools you have attended and where you have worked and whether you believe you have potentially been exposed to toxic mould. You cannot always see mould growing. It is often hidden behind walls where leaks have occured. If you live in a mouldy home, in order to heal you must leave your home and all of your possessions that are contaminated with highly toxic mycotoxins. These mycotoxins are making you sick. I recommend a sabbatical where you find a safe home or camp with only brand new and minimal possessions. You cannot heal in the environment you got sick in. I recommend EFFECTIVE mould avoidance. After you leave your toxic home, work and/or school you need to begin BINDING the mycotoxins with the appropriate binders.
Also consider whether you are sleeping on an old mouldy mattress or pillow. Do you potentially have mouldy antique or second hand furniture in your home you may be sensitive too? Have you moved from a mouldy home and taken your possessions?

I recommend finding a doctor who is familiar with Dr Richie Shoemaker’s protocol for mould illness (CIRS) and I highly recommend Lisa Petrison’s website and book A Beginner’s Guide to Mold Avoidance.

IMPORTANT – All other modalities will have very minimal if not zero positive affect if you are still exposed to toxic mould. It doesn’t matter if you eat the cleanest diet and take the best supplements. You will not heal in mould.


Do you live near industry? Factories emitting toxic chemicals? Does the area you live in have particularly bad air pollution? You may need to move to heal.


Do you have old carpet in your home or carpet period? Is your house dusty or dirty? Carpet is not ideal for CFS sufferers as it accumulates allergens, mould and toxins. If you have carpet at the very least use a HEPA filter vacuum and an air filter. New carpet is extremely toxic as well and should be avoided at all costs. Make sure you dust your home with a damp microfiber cloth instead of dry dusting as it just moves the dust everywhere triggering reactions.


Do you live or have you lived near agriculture? You may have been exposed to glysophate and other herbacides, pesticides, fungicides, heavy metals and other toxins in excessive amounts. You have inevitably been exposed to these substances anyway and that is why detox is so important. BUT If you have lived close to agriculture for significant amounts of time then it would be appropriate to focus further on testing for and detoxing these substances.


Do you still use toxic skin care products, makeup, cleaning products and perfume? Stop the use of any unnatural products as soon as possible and switch to organic and natural products only.  There are so many amazing companies now making highly effective skin care products, make up, cleaning products and natural perfumes made from essential oils. What you put onto your skin and breathe in goes directly into your blood stream. It doesn’t even get filtered by the liver first like toxins do when they are consumed. Make the switch now!


Have you moved to a brand new home with brand new furnishings, carpet and freshly painted walls? You may be exposed to excessive levels of VOCs, formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals. It may be essential for you to change your home environment by disposing of toxic items. New carpet is particularly toxic. If you can, move to an area of the house without carpet to sleep and spend time. Do you have a new mattress? Mattresses are unfortunately a huge issue when it comes to chemical exposure. We spend so much time in such close proximity to them as well. Also consider your pillow, doona and sheets. Organic or 100% bamboo is best. Always wash in natural detergent.


Avoid non-stick pots and pans unless they are certified non-toxic. Also avoid aluminum foil. Opt for low or no nickel stainless steel, glass, ceramic or cast iron cookware.

Avoid drinking from plastic, storing food in plastic and buying food already packaged in plastic.



Do you live close to a power station or power sub-station? Is your bedroom close to one? Do you live close to a cell tower? You can find this out by searching on this website. Is there a large appliance such as a fridge behind the head of your bed? Do you live in an apartment with excessive electromagnetic radiation. Do you have Wi-Fi? At the very least turn your Wi-Fi off at night when you are sleeping and consider using only wired Ethernet. If you live in a city you may need an EMF protection canopy for your bed. Do you place your fingers directly onto your laptop mouse and keypad? The EMF exposure from this alone exceeds government recommended levels. Purchase a wired mouse and keyboard.



Are you drinking, showering and bathing in highly purified water? Tap water is filled with chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, bacteria, parasites and traces of pharmaceutical drugs to name a few. Filtering the water you drink is crucial to heal BUT it is equally as important to filter your shower and bath water. When you shower in hot water the chlorine is dispersed into the air and you breath it straight into your lungs. Not only is this adding to your toxic load without your liver filtering the toxin but it damages the lungs slowly over time. I highly recommend filtered spring water, distilled water remineralised with Concentrace, Seychelle filters, Berkey filters and RO filters. You can find shower and bath filters on most online stores that sell quality water filters.



Binders are crucial for healing. You need to reduce your toxic load inside your body once you have eliminated all toxin exposures in your environment. If you live, work or attend school in mould and try and bind the mycotoxins from mould it is like trying to empty a bath with the tap still running. Our buckets are full and overflowing when we are sick we need to reduce this as fast as we can – AVOID TOXINS, BIND and MOVE BOWELS.
We want to stop enterhepatic recirculation. Many of the most dangerous toxins are stored in our liver. They are dumped with our bile into our small intestine from our gallbladder. Bile is extremely expensive to make so it is reabsorbed further down the small intestine with these toxins UNLESS we bind and eat certain fibres to stop the cycle and reduce symptoms. Different binders have an affinity for and bind different toxins. We are all exposed to thousands of different toxins. Rotating the binders below enables you to bind a wide variety, detoxify and heal.

The best GI binders are –

  • Activated coconut or bamboo charcoal
  • Zeolite (Zeolith, Zeobind & Toxaprevent)
  • Enterosgel
  • Microsilica
  • Humic & fulvic acids
  • Calcium Bentonite (Biopure)
  • Biosil (activated silica)
  • Chlorella
  • Modified citrus pectin

Intracellular binders (still experimental in my eyes) ~

  • Results RNA Zeolite
  • Advanced TRS
  • Cytodetox
  • Vitality Detox Drops

Make a daily binder cocktail and rotate certain binders.

Binder Cocktail Recipe ~

1 litre of water
1/2 tsp activated coconut charcoal
1/2 tsp zeolite
1/2 tsp calcium bentonite

You can add Microsilica to the cocktail but it is best taken alone an hour after with lemon water.

Take Enterosgel, Biosil, Toxaprevent and Chorella separately away from the binder cocktail.

Keep your bowels moving with a high carb, low fat plant based diet and mineral supplementation.

You may need to up your binders whilst you kill pathogens and also detox heavy metals.

11 – DIET

EAT ORGANIC – Eat as much organic food as possible and follow the dirty dozen clean fifteen list that can be found here. Only eat non organic foods that have a thick skin.

Sourcing uncontaminated food is the most crucial first step!

Finding a therapeutic dietary approach that works for you is crucial. This may change over time as you heal. So be open to change if what you are doing is no longer working.

I am a huge fan of Anthony William’s approach as well as Dr Robert Morse for ME/CFS. That is my opinion. Do not take what I say as gospel. I am passionate about deep tissue detoxification and also follow the work of Natalia Rose and Dan McDonald.

High Carb, Low Fat – High Raw, Plant Based Diet. ‘Raw Vegan’ with high quality raw bee products (Beegan). I am actually not a fan of labels, but its easier to paint a picture quickly here using them.

Medical Medium Dietary approach with specific healing foods for CFS, EBV, other Viruses and Streptoccocus.

Smart supplementation. Appropriate high quality supplementation that is essential when eating a plant based diet plus any diet because of soil nutrient depletion. This includes primarily B12 (methylcobalamin & adenosylcobalamin), Iodine, Vitamin A, Zinc, B vitamins, K2 and magnesium.

Mindful eating. Prayer. Whole foods. Prepared with love.

A period of no overt fats is crucial to heal.

Food combining is crucial.

DO NOT combine fruit or starches with fat. Do not combine anything that converts to sugar with fat. Only combine healthy plant fats with leafy greens and low carbohydrate vegetables. Read more here.

Food timing is crucial. Eat from light to heavier foods over the day. Always eat fruit earlier in the day and follow with any cooked vegetables after eating fruit. Fruit digests fast and you do not want other heavier foods getting in the way and causing fermentation.

Eat fruit alone or leave it alone (leafy greens, greens powders and lime and passion fruit on papaya are exceptions.)

A great order to follow over the day –

Lemon water, juices (celery followed by mixed), smoothies, melon or papaya, other fruit, salad, cooked food (when not 100% raw).

Also look into the work of Dr Robert Morse and Dr Doug Graham for further information on a high carb, low fat and raw vegan diet. I personally believe Anthony William’s dietary approach works best including all appropriate healing foods.

Consistency with diet is key to heal. Let go of other’s judgement of you and your dietary choices. Quite frankly, it is none of their business.

This dietary approach will challenge some. It is crucial that you eat low fat to heal – to thin and oxygenate the blood. To allow the liver to function optimally and eradicate pathogens and toxins. To thin sluggish and stagnant lymphatic fluids and flush toxic and infected lymph.

Unfortunately a diet restricting carbohydrates will always backfire eventually. Your body runs on glucose. Periods of omitting them from your diet and fueling on fats stresses your body and this results in high levels of adrenaline and cortisol being produced in the body to compensate. Restricting carbohydrates also stresses the thyroid and causes thyroid issues.


Medical Medium recommended supplements for EBV and Streptoccocus are crucial. Start slow and take what you are comfortable with.

I also recommend Cistus Tea for retroviruses. Look into Dr Klinghardt’s work on this here.

I am a fan of the Buhner protocol for Borrelia and co-infections if that resonates.

Along side taking antimicrobials you must focus on boosting immunity and strength with beta-glucans from medicinal mushrooms, vitamin C and other supportive supplements, eating a healing diet and addressing any deficiencies.


Focusing on the health of the Lymphatic System is crucial – the lymphatic system is the sewer system of your entire body. Its main role is to rid the body of toxins and cellular waste. It carries lymph fluid rich in infection fighting white blood cells throughout your body. It consists of lymph nodes, vessels and ducts that cover your entire body. It plays an integral role in immune function. It is your body’s secondary circulatory system but unlike the circulatory system the lymphatic system does not have a pump (heart). The lymphatic system also absorbs fats and fat soluble vitamins and delivers it to the blood and the cells. The lymphatic system requires movement to function optimally which becomes difficult when you are sedentary, when the lymphatic system is infected with streptoccocus and when it is extremely congested due to a high fat diet, high protein diet and toxins.

  • The aim is to move in some way everyday to move the lymphatic fluid.
  • Very gentle yoga to stronger yoga If you can.
  • Walking
  • Pressing up onto your big toes (acts as a pump) as you walk or on the spot
  • Specific lymph movements and self massage
  • High Carb, Low Fat, Raw food diet. High fruit.
  • Fruit acids thin and dissolve lymph. Period of no fats to thin and flush stagnant lymph.
  • Contrast showers
  • Dry body brushing
  • Gua Sha
  • Scrubbing the entire body with a baking soda and ACV paste
  • Rebounding
  • Saunas
  • Enemas
  • Deep breathing
  • Red root & cleavers alcohol free tinctures
  • Lymphatic massage with a specialist (with caution) always take binders.
  •  Castor oil packs on the abdomen & liver


Deficiencies are inevitable. We are born deficient. Unless you have eaten organic your entire life and supplemented wisely you will have deficiencies. Chronic infections drain your resources of specific vitamins and minerals. Parasites consume your food and the vitamins and minerals you consume.
Every person with a chronic illness and who is under chronic stress looses essential stores of zinc, B6 and Biotin. Every person tested for KPU aka Pyroluria tests positive with CFS, LYME, MOULD ILLNESS and other chronic illnesses. Dr Klinghardt shares his knowledge on KPU here.
Other deficiencies that are common are iron deficiency because herpes viruses such as EVB and HHV-6 feeding on iron/iron stores. I recommend a transdermal iron cream if necessary and never oral supplementation unless is it a plant based organic curry leaf extract and of course iron rich plant foods combined with vitamin C rich foods.
Test your B12 levels. Make sure your doctor tests the metabolically active B12 holotranscobalamin.
I would say that almost every CFS sufferer is deficient in B12 and B12 injections are crucial. Regardless of whether you test active B12, tests do not show you whether you have adequate B12 stores in your nervous system, tissues and organs. We require adequate stomach acid and intrinsic factor to absorb B12 and these are chronically deficient in most CFS patients resulting in B12 deficiency no matter how much B12 they consume. Make sure to only inject hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. Absolutely do not touch cyanocobalamin. Weekly injections are important initially and then they can be spaced out further. Oral supplementation is also key and I recommend a supplement that combines both methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.
Iodine deficiency is also extremely common. I recommend a urine test and supplementation with Lugol’s iodine initially to increase levels fast and then nascent iodine daily. I believe nascent iodine should be taken every day no matter what your iodine status is.
Other tests for deficiencies should include folate, vitamin D and if available in your country tests for other essential vitamins and minerals.


We are mineral deficient. Our soils are depleted. Our water, even when purified or sourced from a spring does not provide adequate life giving minerals. Tap water that is filtered is dead water. Remineralise with Concentrace or equilavant. Remineralise every day. When you are mineral deficient heavy metals, that appear similar in structure to healthy minerals are utilised by the body and stored. Heavy metal accumulation occurs. I also recommend Biomins by Thorne Research.


Sunlight exposure every day possible for at least 20 minutes. Without sunglasses so that light can enter your eyes. As much skin exposed as possible. I would also recommend looking into sun gazing at first and last light.


Cicadian Rhythm reset. Make sure to step outside as soon as you can upon waking to get sunlight exposure. Before 10 am is ideal. Get sunlight in your eyes. This signals the body to wake up.
Then what you must do is to be very careful with your blue light exposure in the evening. Wear blue light blocking glasses, download f’lux for your computer and use the blue light blocking feature on your phone. Purchase red globes for any lights used at night. Resetting your circadian rhythm is so important. Limit the use of your computer and smart phone at night.


Be in contact with the earth as much as possible. Be in nature as much as possible. Place your bare feet on the earth daily. In your backyard, in a park and on the beach. So many of us have free electron deficiencies from literally no contact with the earth. Earthing lowers inflammation, mitagates electromagnetic radiation and helps the healing process.


If you are able to make it to the beach, a swim in the ocean is extremely healing and a great way to obtain negative ions from the ocean and the salty sea breeze. Another way to obtain negative ions is from Himalayan salts lamps, plants and certain air filters.

20 – SLEEP

Sleep will improve dramatically once you are out of mould and reducing your toxic load with binders. Sleep in darkness, use a sleep mask if needed. Dim and orange lights prior to sleep. No electronics used prior to sleep. Turn Wi-Fi off. Leave any electronics out of bedroom and turned off. Organic sheets and bed if possible. Clean air. Legs up the wall yoga pose. Alternate nose breathing. Liposomal melatonin can also be helpful for some.


I would highly recommend this if you can afford it. It is a potent antioxidant and acts as a very effective antimicrobial in the blood. You might need to start with a lower dose around 15 grams and work up to 30 – 50 grams per session. Make sure you are well hydrated prior to the infusion.
AVOID any IV glutathione and chelating agents.


I believe treating parasites is a crucial step in healing CFS. You need to be strategic about when you do this. We all have them! No matter whether they come up on lab tests or not. Parasites like a weak host. Naturally as your body strengthens parasite numbers will fall. Parasites consume our food but also the toxins we are exposed to. Killing parasites can cause a lot of discomfort and an increase in symptoms if the parasites (namely worms, not microscopic parasites) do not leave the body whole. This is because of the toxins being released into the body as they are broken down. There are many approaches to treating parasites. I believe they should all be rotated and used over the full moon period every month until you notice an improvement. I am a fan of the Kerri Rivera/Kalcker protocol. I have taken many of these orally but also in enemas:

  • Wormwood, Blackwalnut Hulls and Clove
  • Freeze dried garlic or raw garlic
  • Mimosa pudica
  • Oregano Oil
  • Artemisinin
  • Ginger
  • Peppermint
  • Fennel
  • Neem
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • MMS
  • Papaya seeds
  • Ozonated Oils
  • Doterra DigestZen and Onguard
  • Compounded mebendazole and pyrantel pamoate
  • Alinia


We need to tread very carefully here. I do not recommend addressing mercury and other heavy metals until you have regained a lot of strength and have healed significantly. Even then, being gentle is key. I do not recommend chelation. This flares symptoms for so many. You do not want to push your body. Some people do well with the Andy Cutler Protocol where frequent dosing of DMSA, DMPS and ALA are used but regardless I think it is too risky. I strongly recommend you start with Dr Shade’s approach Push + Catch, but WITHOUT any R-Lipoic Acid or glutathione. You want to gently push the gallbladder to dump toxins with bitter herbs and catch the toxins with binders. It is essential you use mercury specific binders – Microsilica, Enterosgel, Chlorella and Zeolite. His approach basically includes cleansing your GI tract of metals and toxins and Nrf2 upregulation with sulfur and antioxidants.
Always start with simply binding toxins, this is your default protocol. You really need to clean up your GI tract first before going any further.
I also recommend the Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie HMDS, with CAUTION. Begin with very small amounts of cilantro (coriander) or ommit entirely if you are sensitive and use parsley instead. Cilantro is a powerful mobiliser of mercury and can cause serious issues for some people. The compounds that mobilise mercury can cross the blood brain barrier and pull mercury from the brain and tissues. This can cause extreme physical and psychological symptoms for some people.


I recommending assessing jaw structure if you have TMJ issues with a neuromuscular dentist. An underdeveloped upper maxilla is a common cause of TMD that causes the jaw to sit too far back blocking glymphatic flow and blood flow. This also typically causes sleep apnea, grinding to compensate for the lack of a normal very gentle rocking moving movement made by the jaw during sleep that assists in brain detoxification via the glymphatic system. I also recommend finding out whether you have cavitations. Especially if you have had jaw issues, teeth extracted and braces. For general oral care I recommend daily tongue scraping, oil pulling with coconut oil and Doterra Onguard. I also recommend rinsing with baking soda and Celtic sea salt after eating acidic foods to avoid enamel erosion and using a natural remineralisng toothpaste like this one.


I highly recommend sauna therapy. Sweating it so important and helps to sweat out toxins. If you have a small budget try a sauna blanket. Otherwise try a near infrared sauna with red heat lamps or a quality far infrared sauna. Saunas are incredibly helpful for detoxification and reducing symptoms related to toxin overload and infection. Start with short sessions and build up. You may find it takes a while for you to sweat in the beginning.


I believe enemas are crucial for healing. They assist detoxification and improve bowel function. Keeping your bowels moving is SO important. It will reduce symptoms and allow your lymphatic system to drain faster. SO crucial during deep tissue detoxification, heavy metal detox, parasite eradication and treatment of pathogens. Start with purified water with some Celtic or Himalayan salt. From there you may feel comfortable trying herb infused enemas and coffee enemas. You need to be really careful with coffee enemas. I do not recommend them to everyone. They can be helpful for some at particular points in their healing. Binders must always be taken orally prior to performing coffee enemas. This is because particular compounds in the coffee stimulate the gallbladder to dump toxins that have travelled from the liver into the small intestine. We need to mop them up with specific binders in the SI tract.


Treat infections in the sinuses and maintain healthy sinuses by using neti pot, ayurvedic neti and antimicrobial nasal sprays. Test for MARCoNs infection. This is common after living in mould.

Neti Pot formula – 1/2 tsp Celtic sea salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp birch xylitol and 4 drops approx of Lugol’s iodine.

Antimicrobial sprays – Oregano nasal spray, colloidal silver spray and Xclear.


Assess muscularskeletal system for abnormailites. See a qualified osteopath or chiropractor for this.


If you have access to ozone I would highly recommend making it a part of your healing protocol. If you can afford it, purchasing your own machine is the most intelligent approach, I like Promo Life. I recommend rectal insufflations, ear insufflations, drinking ozonated water and bagging if necessary. If you have access to a doctor specialising in ozone therapy I would still recommend rectal insufflation because it is a great way to delivery ozone systemically. Major and minor autohemotherapy can be helpful too. I have personally used EBOO, major and minor autohemotherapy, ear insufflations and Russian IV. Ozone is a potent antimicrobial and oxygenates the body after the ozone breaks down into it’s individual oxygen atoms. Ozone is made of three oxygen atoms.


I recommend a yoga nidra guided meditation audio where you can lie down, surrender and truly relax. I also recommend Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself and the recommended meditations.

Assess your breathing. Are you shallow breathing into your chest or deep breathing into your belly? I would recommend yogic breath.


Move in some way, every day. In the beginning this might be literally moving your toes or feet. This helps pump the lymphatic system. Then it might be a few gentle yoga movements on a yoga mat or in bed. Do what feels right for you. I have worked my way up to yoga and specific lymphatic stimulation movements and self massage in the morning, a walk or ride in the day for 30 minutes approximately and some strength work later in the day. Only gentle strength work right now for a few minutes. I can do this because I have come a long way over the past 10 years. I have improved dramatically since being bed ridden for many years.



There is no doubt that the Borrelia bacteria can be an issue for some people and cause debilitating disease. Unfortunately it does appear to currently be over diagnosed and a default diagnosis for many people who present with symptoms of ME/CFS. This may prevent some individuals from digger deeper and identifying true underlying causes.

Please be careful not to fall for the Lyme disease fad. Of course the situation is different if you have been bitten by a tick, have acute symptoms or test positive. Seek medical attention as soon as you can. I am also not denying that Borrellia can be an issue for many people. But I do worry that many well meaning holistic doctors are now diagnosing everyone they see who has a mystery illness with Lyme Disease without testing and not treating the true cause. I would recommend not taking antibiotics no matter how hard your MD is pushing for you to take them if you have ME/CFS. I have seen way too many people destroyed by long term antibiotic use prescibed unnecessarily for Lyme Disease. I personally was so excited when I tested positive and was told I had Lyme because I felt it explained why I was so sick. My doctor wanted me to take antibiotics before my lab tests for Borrellia had even returned. But unfortunately treating it got me no where because toxicity and viruses are the main issue in most cases.


Candida is another fad sadly. Candida is actually there to assist you. It protects you by consuming toxins and waste matter. Candida does overgrow when you have high levels of heavy metals in your body, undigested and putrifying food and other toxic chemicals. But it does not cause the health issues and symptoms many claim it does. It is beneficial and plays an important role in cleaning up our inner terrian. We must be going after the bacteria streptoccocus. It is important to address the root cause of illness. Toxicity and infection. Focus on killing viruses and Streptoccocus primarily before Candida.


Every step I have included here will allow your gut to heal. Every step is crucial. There is no magical gut healing supplement or herb. You cannot live in mould and heal your gut, you cannot have parasites and heal your gut, you cannot have a GI tract loaded with mercury and heal your gut. Of course certain herbs and foods are crucial to consume whilst you address everything else listed here but do not expect miracles until every step has been addressed.

There are many more things I could add to this list but I feel these are the most important.

The severity of someone’s ME/CFS usually depends on the number of layers of chronic infections, the toxic burden and what deficiencies need to be addressed.

What breaks my heart the most about this disease is not only how difficult the road to recovery is for so many but that many of the crucial steps that need to be taken are extremely expensive and life altering when mould is involved.

I will be elaborating further on every point made in future posts.

As you can see this is a complicated illness that requires a multifaceted approach to overcome. These are the non-negotiables when it comes to healing ME/CFS. Every individual will have other modalities that have helped then in some way.


What would you like me to cover in more detail in future posts?

With love, Amy