Ozone Therapy And HBOT In Cyprus, Is It Worth It?


It is hard to believe it was one year ago I was receiving medical treatment in Cyprus. On May 3rd 2017 I travelled to Larnaca where I began my treatment at the Poseidonia Medical Centre. The Poseidonia Medical Centre offers a unique treatment package to treat Lyme Disease or ‘Lyme like illness’ as it is often referred to in Australia. The treatment protocol costs approximately €5,750.00 ($9,000 AUD) per person and involves –

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) – Daily sessions (40 hours) at 2.4 ATA.
  • IV Ozone & Vitamin C – Daily sessions, Ozonated Saline & Vit C through a drip feed.
  • Ultrasound – Professional handheld units – Daily sessions.
  • Vielight Intranasal Laser Light Therapy – Daily sessions.
  • Projuvenox™ FIR Detox/Lymphatic Massage or FIR Sauna with Chromotherapy Lighting System – Three times a week
  • IV Laser Therapy – Twice per week.
  • IV Minerals – Twice per week
  • Ozonated Colonic Irrigation – Recommended 1 per week at a Colon Hydrotherapy clinic 5 minutes from the HBOT clinic.

The treatment protocol was gruelling. I attended the clinic 6 days per week from approximately 9 am until 2 pm each day. The days began with intravenous vitamin C (a small amount prior to the injection of ozone), Russian ozone therapy, laser, intranasal laser therapy and this was followed by hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Projuvenox, intravenous minerals and the colonic were alternated each day of the week.

There wasn’t really any time to rest at the clinic. A small amount of time was allocated for a bite to eat in between treatments. I felt like I was back at school, being ordered around and feeling the pressure of the tight schedule. There was a lack of empathy from the staff. I was judged almost immediately upon walking into the clinic for the first time about how I was ‘high functioning’ because of the way I look. This is certainly not new for me but I expected there to be some level of understanding from the staff. Some disabilities are invisible.

In general I felt the clinic lacked professionalism so therefore I didn’t feel particularly safe or at ease during my 27 days of treatment. The treatment protocol for Lyme Disease at Poseidonia Medical Centre was only created shortly prior to my arrival so consequently staff were eager for feedback from myself and other patients. Unfortunately the feedback delivered was not received with grace, and conversations often ended in conflict. I believe constructive criticism is imperative for a clinic such as the Poseidonia Medical Centre.

I personally found travelling to Cyprus extremely challenging because I was feeling so  incredibly physically fragile at the time. The air travel itself was exhausting, especially without any assistance. I reacted negatively to the flight itself because of the excessive radiation, toxic recycled air and time zone changes. If you are considering treatment overseas please do think really hard about whether your tolerance for air travel will impact the results of the therapies.

If I am honest I didn’t particularly warm to the area I was staying in Cyprus or the country itself. There are some beautiful areas in the Troodos mountains, and Ayia Napa is worth visiting. I did enjoy seeing Aphrodite’s rock.

What was most confronting for me was the way I was treated by the Cypriot men during my stay in Cyprus. They were generally misogynistic and when I was in the company of a male, they only spoke directly to the male. My advice would be to have someone to travel with if you are a female. I had men approach me on my apartment balcony often – some were harmless bearing flowers, others were predatory asking for affection. Old men often yelled from their shop fronts, one grabbed my hand, forcing me to stroke his beard, another yelled slut aggressively as he drove by. This is just a snap shot of my experience, and it is just that, my experience.

It has been a year since my treatment in Cyprus and I can confidently say that unfortunately it did not help me in any way that is evident. My condition actually declined during my treatment and by the end my adrenals had crashed, candida had flared and I was a mess physically and emotionally, The exacerbation of my symptoms during treatment could have been due to what some refer to as a herxheimer reaction because of bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi dying off. I usually see an improvement after this has passed but for me this was not the case. I have been trying to pick up the pieces for the last year.

I personally believe toxicity is at the very core of all chronic illness and for me this is certainly the case. My time in Cyprus really did shine a light on this for me and even after so many years of detoxification I know I need to focus solely on addressing mercury toxicity. Another profound insight for me occured during my 27 x Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy sessions when my ears did not neutralise. The only way my ears would neutralise was by drinking a litre of water and swallowing hard which left me busting to go to the toilet during the 2 hours HBOT sessions. Each HBOT session was nerve wracking and painful because my ears were so full of fluid. The reason my ears are so congested is mainly due to structural issues. I have had TMD for 14 years and I only just discovered the cause after finally seeing a very experienced neuromuscular dentist – an underdeveloped upper jaw and significant over closed bite which in turn forces the lower jaw to close in a retruded (backward) position compressing the TMJ joints. The TMJ spaces consist of nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, muscles and tendons. Because my lower jaw sits too far back it presses against my ear canal, restricts blood and glymphatic flow and causes sleep apnea because my tongue sits too far back and blocks my air way. If you have issues with your jaw this article is a must read.

‘Impairment of the glymphatic system: The brain has two main methods of detoxification. One is melatonin, and the other is the glymphatic system. When you sleep, the brain shrinks, and gets “washed” with CSF. The glymphatc systems physically moves by the pumping action of the jaw every time you swallow. With TMD, this pumping action is inadequate due to lack of vertical height of the molars, and thus toxins are unable to be cleared by the brain. The body will sometimes try to compensate by grinding or clenching the jaw at night (though this can also be a symptom of parasites).’ – Bryant Rubright

This post is simply sharing my experience. I wanted to be honest and completely transparent. I hope that sharing my experience is helpful to you and please contact me if you have any further questions regarding ozone and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. There are ways to access this treatment in Australia and to do it yourself for a fraction of the price.

With love, Amy









Nature’s 8 Laws Of Radiant Health

The fundamentals of optimal health are often overlooked despite being essential. With an abundance of information available today addressing health and wellness it is very easy to become extremely overwhelmed. I have been there myself. It can also be terribly confusing when there is so much conflicting scientific evidence on how to heal your body and what to eat. My advice is to always come back to addressing nature’s 8 laws of health. If you are adhering to all 8 I have no doubt in my mind that you will heal and your body will find perfect balance again.

#1 Fresh & Clean Air

Spend as much time outside as possible in nature. Spend time near the ocean or in the forest where the air quality is optimal. Address the air quality in your home. Test for toxic mould in your home and/or work using a HERTSMI or ERMI and stop using chemical cleaners and air fresheners. Be aware of toxic chemicals used in the production of furniture, beds, linen, clothes, carpets and paint. Make sure you dust your home with a wet micro fibre cloth as dust can flare allergies because of other toxic substances found in the air and leave your shoes outside. Invest in a air filter if you live in an area that has poor air quality.

#2 Pure, Clean & Alive Water

Source pure water. There is much debate on the best water to drink. At the bare minimum opt for filtered tap water which you can remineralise with Concentrace drops. Spring water is the best option but make sure it is filtered as there can be pathogens present. Distilled and reverse osmosis water are other options but again you do want to make sure you remineralise the water after it has been stripped of essential minerals with a mineral supplement. It is also equally important to bathe and shower in filtered water. Tap water typically contains chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, parasites and bacteria. Some of these substances are absorbed through your skin and chlorine is dispersed into the air during a hot shower where it can be breathed into the lungs. You can find filters for your shower head and bath online very easily.

#3 Sunshine & Earthing

Aim to get sun exposure in the morning between 6 – 10 am every day to stimulate the body to wake up and maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. Get your bare feet directly on the earth daily. It is important to get sun on the skin and into the eyes. Not directly into the eyes unless you are sun gazing right on sunrise or sunset but be outside without sunglasses for 20 minutes. To take your health to the next level consider blocking blue light emitted from televisions, computers, phones and lights at night for optimal health and to reset your circadian rhythm. Blue light disrupts hormones and prevents the release of melatonin required for a healthy nights sleep and brain detoxification.

#4 Adequate rest

This law has to be one of the hardest to follow in this fast paced modern world. On top of the normal stressors so many experience on a day to day basis we now have technology which puts many of us in a constant fight or flight state. We are contactable 24/7, we are bombarded with information and confronting news through the media and we are constantly exposed to invisible, carcinogenic electromagnetic frequencies. Make sure you are sleeping well and going to bed at a decent hour. Take time out to meditate, have a guilt free nap, try alternate nose breathing, square breathing, spend time in nature and put your bare feet on the earth.

Are you getting these four types of rest –

Physical Rest – Sitting, lying down, or relaxing. Not eating late at night or before bed.

Sensory Rest – Quietness and refraining from using the eyes.

Emotional Rest – A withdrawing from the ups and downs caused by personal interaction.

Mental Rest – A detaching of the mind from all intellectual demands or activity

#5 Nutrition

Eat organic, wild, whole foods when possible. Eat intuitively but depending on your health status be open to adhering to a therapeutic diet plan for a certain amount of time to accelerate healing, remove bioaccumulated toxic compounds and eradicate pathogens. Nourish your body with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, fibre and living water from organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, pseudo grains and animal foods. See animal foods as supplementary to plant foods and only consume high quality and organic animal foods. The healthiest and longest living people in the world eat mostly plant foods supplemented with animal foods. Unfortunately the majority of animal foods available are not safe to eat because of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, plastics, mercury, bacteria and parasites. Focus on quality, nutrient density and healing foods.

#6 Temperance

This is more than just abstaining from alcohol. This is about finding your balance and avoiding things that exacerbate your health issues. Typically this means avoiding alcohol, drugs, negative people, unhealthy foods, overeating, emotional eating, chemicals in body care, make up and cleaning products. Avoid anything that is harmful to your body. Listen to your intuition and the signals your body is giving you.

#7 Movement

Use movement as medicine, not as punishment. Move in some way, every day. That is my exercise motto. Our bodies require movement to thrive. For some this might be gentle yoga and walking. For others it may be running, weights, pilates and dancing. Do what works for you and listen to your body. Ideally move in nature with your bare feet on the ground daily.

#8 Trust, Connection & Community

Have trust and faith you will heal and live a life that you love. Although there will be times when it all feels too hard and you will question whether you are on the right path, let this be a reminder that you are, and the universe has a grand plan for you that is unfolding just as it should. You are exactly where you need to be. No matter what your beliefs are, do not be afraid to pray and give gratitude. I will also add that addressing the physical is only one part of the healing process and living a life of health and happiness, do not underestimate the power of connection and community.

No matter where you are on your health journey rest assured that you are healing. Your body is constantly striving for homeostasis. Sometimes we just have to get out of the way, remove obstructions, release what does not serve us and allow ourselves to heal. If you feel like you have lost your way, refer back to nature’s 8 laws and remind yourself of the essentials steps to achieving vibrant health and well-being.

With love, Amy

5 Steps To Perfect Digestion

Although the journey to healing complex and chronic digestive issues can seem long and tortuous, there are some steps you can take right now to improve your digestion, assimilation of nutrients and activate your digestive fire.

When it comes to addressing the root causes of your digestive issues I recommend you address potential environmental factors such as mould and chemicals in your home and workplace, as well as treating parasites, candida, streptococcus overgrowth and SIBO. Another major cause of digestive issues is heavy metal toxicity. All of these possible causes should be investigated.

If you want to upgrade your digestive health right now here are my 5 top tips.

# 1 Start your morning with celery juice  –

Drink organic celery juice first thing in the morning after drinking lemon water on an empty stomach to rebuild your stomach acid levels. Low stomach acid is a very common cause of digestive issues. Optimal levels of these acids allow your body to break down food properly and protect you from harmful pathogens. Celery contains unique mineral salts that restore the glands that produce hydrochloric acid.

‘Another primary reason for digestive troubles involves hydrochloric acid. Medical research and science does not know that hydrochloric acid is not one acid, as taught today, but rather a blend of seven acids. Acid reflux occurs when the seven blends of beneficial acid diminish and bad acids produced by bacteria and viruses takeover. Gastritis is another condition that arises with the overgrowth of bacteria. A high amount of gas in the system is not due to a fungus, yeast, or candida as some may think, but due to the bacteria that is overgrowing in the digestive system.’  – Medical Medium

# 2 Take digestive bitters before each meal –

I recommend taking an alcohol free blend of bitter herbs 20 minutes prior to eating a meal. Digestive bitters stimulate our body’s own enzyme release throughout the entire digestive tract, as well as other integral digestive secretions such as stomach acid (HCl) and bile. My favourite is this liver tincture from Natures Answer because it is alcohol free and has no nasty additives. This tonic will also support healthy liver function and bile flow,

# 3 Prepare your meal with presence, love and care + Eat Mindfully without technology –

When you are preparing your meal take a moment to breath deep into your belly and remind yourself it is ok to take this time for you. Continue to breath deeply whilst you prepare your food. Play some relaxing music if this helps you. Send love to your food. Spend a little more time making your food look beautiful. We eat with our eyes. I also recommend trying to eat your meal away from your phone, television and computer. Before you eat take a moment to look at your food and smell it. Take it all in. I personally like to say a prayer before eating – I bless this food. I thank the universe for bringing this food to me. I thank this food for healing and nourishing me and bringing me health vitality and clarity.

# 4 Take Betaine HCL and Digestive Enzymes with your meal –

To further support digestion and get your digestive fire activated I suggest taking betaine HCL and high quality digestive enzymes with every meal. Betaine HCL is particuarly important when you are eating a protein rich meal as protein is quite difficult to digest and break down into amino acids. Begin with 1 capsule of digestive enzymes and betaine HCL. You will likely need to build up your dose of betaine HCL slowly until you feel a gentle burn.

# 5 Chew your food really well –

Just as Ghandi once said – eat your drink and drink your food. Try to chew your food really well, this includes smoothies and even juices. Digestion begins in the mouth where certain enzymes such as lingual lipase and salivary amylase begin to break down fats into fatty acids and complex carbohydrates into smaller chains and simple sugars.


Do not drink liquids half an hour before a meal or at least an hour after a meal as this dilutes hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes. This put a huge strain on your digestive system.

It is also imperative you are eating a healing, organic and wholefoods diet. This is another post in itself and will of course vary slightly from person to person. I also recommend you strictly follow food combining principles to optimise your digestion. I am passionate about health optimisation and will deliver tips for you to achieve this. A moderate approach will tend to achieve mediocre results especially if you are healing from a complex, chronic illness.

I will be elaborating on therapeutic healing diets and food combining in future posts so stay tuned!

Have you tried the above approaches? What has helped you the most when it comes to digestion?

With love, Amy