Christmas times, Raw cheesecake and a health update

Hope y’all had a fabulous christmas and new years! Mine was relaxing and included plenty of delicious food and family times. The star of the show was by far was my raw cheesecake made from cashews, a decadent treat on christmas day. It was a relatively quiet christmas for my immediate family and I, for lunch we enjoyed beautiful fresh king prawns, trevally, baked vegetables, salad, pesto mayo, guacamole, salsa and sweet potato chips. Dessert was my raw cheesecake and an apricot tart.

On the subject of how I have been feeling! A few weeks before christmas I received a couple of test results back from America: my provocation heavy metal test through Genova Diagnostics and my very pricey Metametrix Gastro Intestinal profile test. The results have been extremely helpful in treating specifics. My heavy metals particularly mercury, arsenic, lead, tin, platinum, rubidium, copper, lithium were through the roof! Dangerrr zone. No surprises there. So just before christmas I have embarked on furthur heavy metal detoxification and chelation just in time for christmas. I am doing this with DMSA by Thorne Research one capsule before bed, and am also including chlorella by Dr Mercola, Natural Path Silver Wings Heavy Metal Detox formula, continuing other important detoxification nutrients such as high dose lipsomal vitamin C , B vitamins, minerals, lipsomal glutathione and R- lipoic acid.

My GI profile test showed up low levels of certain beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus, the parasite blastocytis homonis was identified (very common in immune disorders), secretory IgA deficiency (which is the first line of defence in your immune system, VERY IMPORTANT) and elastase 1 pancreatic enzymes deficiency. The very first plan of attack after these results is to get rid of the parasite. My doctor gave me the option of a treatment program designed by a Sydney gastroenterologist using three drugs or to try herbal parasite formulas. I opted for the herbal formula first. I am using Costat by Metagenics and a parasite formula by Healthforce Nutritionals in congunction. I also make use of a zapper, use oxypowder and frequent enemas to help clear out the colon where these parasite suckers reside in the intestinal wall. As always I eat a clean, organic diet, free from my allergies, intolerances and a diet mirroring that of our paleolithic ancestors. It is interesting that the things which my body cannot tolerate are actually very new additions to the human diet. Not so much a coincidence. After I have successfully removed the parasite I will begin to include supplements for gut healing, and that increase sIgA, beneficial bacteria and pancreas sufficiency. Alot of what I do already addresses this but I will be including further support for gut healing. I will speak about this soon.

Now for the good news I can officially say I have improved! YEAH after 2 and half years of this I would bloody hope so. I would say I am at about 30 percent which is really a huge jump from probably 5-10 percent not too long ago. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel after all this time. I know I have a long road ahead of me, but I feel like it is all going to be ok. I believe it is due to a very large combination of everything I do to heal my body. This I am tweaking all the time to find what works best for ME!!

Now for my Raw cheesecake recipe.

Recipe: Raw Cheesecake



1 cup of activated almonds

12 fresh organic dates

pinch of salt


2 cup of organic raw cashews

1 cup of young coconut kefir yogurt

3/4 cup of melted coconut oil

3/4 of a cup of water

1 cup of raspberries

1/2 cup of blackberries

Pinch of salt

Stevia to taste



Soak cashews for 7 hours in water

Try to find activated almonds for the base or soak overnight and dehydrate your own.

Process dates, almonds and salt in a food processor until it is well blended, still textured/chunky but sticks together. Press into a cake tin lined with clingwrap.

After cashews have been soaked place in blender with young coconut kefir yogurt, melted coconut oil, water, vanilla, stevia and pinch of salt. Blend really well until creamy. You may have to do this for a while stopping and starting the blender as to not burn it out depending on its strength. Pour around half of mixture on top of the base and chill. With the remaining filling mixture blend with the raspberries. Pour most of this onto the filling and chill. Blend the blackberries with the small amount of remaining mixture and then place this on the top of the raw filling. Chill overnight of freeze if you want to consume quicker and defrost for half an hour before consuming. Enjoy!!