Say This Prayer To Improve Your Digestion


In recent times I have been struggling to remain present in my daily life. I have been feeling anxious and irritable due to my current circumstances. This has resulted in me using my mobile phone a lot more than usual and this habit has made its way into my precious and sacred meal times. I am making a conscious effort to change this.

Eating without distraction is one of the best things you can do to improve your digestion. I have spoken about optimising digestion before in my post 5 Steps To Perfect Digestion. Being present whilst you eat, smelling your food, chewing your food well and being grateful for your food can truly make a huge difference to how you digest each and every meal you consume.

I wanted to share my prayer that I try and say before each meal that I eat. Some of it might resonate. Some of it may not. Take what feels right for you and see if it makes a difference for you.

Before I eat I sit down with my meal without my phone. I take a moment to look at my food, admire it and smell it. I take a deep breath into my belly to check in with my body and breath. Then either to myself or spoken quietly I say my prayer:

I bless this food, I bless my body.

I love this food, this food loves me.

I thank the universe for bringing this food to me, for healing and nourishing me, and bringing me perfect health, vitality and clarity.

I enjoy every bite, eat mindfully, chew well and digest this food with ease.

Bon appétit.

I hope this prayer can help you upgrade your digestion and bring you the health you truly deserve, After all, perfect health begins in the gut. We can eat all of the most amazing organic wholefoods in the world but if we are anxious, stressed and angry whilst we eat, this is going to effect how we digest and assimilate all of the beautiful life giving nutrients in our food.

Do you say a prayer before each meal?

I would love to hear from you!

With love, Amy X